Tuesday, January 24, 2017

1/20/2013: Social Difficulties Personal Difficulties Family Difficulties

Struggles With Achondroplasia Dwarfism
Hey guys. As you know I have Achondroplasia Dwarfism. I have lived with it ever since I was born and it has been quite a wild ride. Having this disease has been a struggle. Growing up, there wasn't anyone in my family who had this disease so I was pretty alone. When I was little, I would run and play just like the other kids. Occasionally, some things were harder to do than others because of my disease but I never let it stop me. As I got older, other kids started noticing that I was different. It became harder and harder to make friends and my self esteem was really low. I tried a lot of methods to make myself grow but none of them ever worked. My family started to notice too. I thought by this point that my aunts, uncles, and cousins would understand my disease. Oh boy was I wrong. They used to blame my parents or me for giving me Achondroplasia Dwarfism. They said it was our fault that I turned out this way, that if they were better parents, I wouldn't be like this. This only made me feel worse. I could handle people at school who didn't know me saying mean things but my family who I've known for years, no. At some point I started to think it was my fault and that's been with me my whole life. So I usually try to stay away from people so that they don't judge me. I don't fit in with the rest of the world.
me as a little girl 

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